bubble stickers

This guy went around collecting pictures of stuff that people had written on bubble stickers that he stuck to posters in and around New York City. Some of the posts are hilarious.

If there was a way to track when people write stuff on what posters, it might even be used to keep track of live memes.. as in what are a lot of people thinking at any particular instant.


As I was posting this, I couldn’t stop myself from laughing at the sheer ludicrousness of the exercise.
Here’s the “gandhrian” for your viewing pleasure.

The image:

The full image in all it’s colorful glory is available as a png file.

Also available as a paint.net file, if you are so inclined to bring out the gandhrian in you.
(paint.net is available for free at http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/
